Loch Lomond Reservoir

11-20-2024 State Lab Data Invalidation Talking Points

Did the consolidated mutual water company (CMWC) use the state laboratory affected by the

lapse in quality assurance procedures?

Yes. CMWC used the state laboratory in the past, and the quality assurance lapse impacted some of the laboratory’s reported results.

Which laboratory results were impacted?

Treated water samples collected at Maple Grove water treatment plant on January 14th, 2019, and April 17th, 2019, were impacted.

  • The Colorado Department of Health and Environment (Department) requires CMWC to sample and test its treated water for synthetic organic compounds every three years.
  • Dalapon, a herbicide, is one of the chemical compounds in this category.
  • No Dalapon was detected in the water sample CMWC provided to the state laboratory.
  • Because the state laboratory did not follow the prescribed quality assurance protocols for Dalapon analysis, the Department has invalidated this data.

Treated Water samples collected from the Maple Grove distribution system on August 13, 2018, November 17, 2018, February 13, 2019, and May 15, 2019, were impacted.

  • The Department requires CMWC to sample and test for the presence of five Halo Acid Acid

(HAA5) compounds quarterly.

  • The HAA5 results for the samples collected on these dates were below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Because the state laboratory did not follow the prescribed quality assurance protocols for HAA5 analysis, the Department has invalidated this data.

When did CMWC learn of the lapse in quality assurance protocols?

The Department provided CMWC with a letter on October 30, 2024.

  • The Department’s letter identified the specific tests completed by the state laboratory that

were impacted by the lapse in quality assurance protocols.

  • The Department’s letter did not specify immediate action.
  • Shortly before receiving the Department’s letter CMWC received nonspecific notification from the state laboratory recalling some drinking water compliance data due to a lapse in quality assurance with the laboratory’s analysis.

Is CMWC still sending water samples to the state laboratory for analysis?

No, CMWC no longer uses the state laboratory to analyze water samples.

  • In 2019, CMWC began using a certified commercial laboratory with an office in Lakewood,


  • This laboratory analyzes most water samples in-house. Radiological and chlorite analyses are subcontracted to other laboratories.

Has CMWC sampled and tested for Dalapon and HAA5 since these test results were invalidated to ensure these chemical compounds are not present in the drinking water?

Yes. CMWC collected treated water samples on January 31, 2022, and April 7, 2022, and delivered

them to a certified laboratory for Dalapon analysis.

  • Dalapon was not detected in either of the samples.
  • CMWC is preparing to collect samples for another round of Dalapon analysis.
  • This is consistent with the Department’s monitoring schedule for CMWC.

CMWC has collected samples in the Maple Grove distribution system and delivered them to a

certified laboratory for HAA5 analysis on 21 occasions since the suspect samples were analyzed.

  • HAA5 did not exceed the MCL established by the EPA in any of the samples.
  • An additional round of sampling was completed and submitted to a certified laboratory for

analysis on November 18, 2024. The results have not been reported to CMWC yet.

  • This is consistent with the HAA5 monitoring schedule established for CMWC by the Department.

Who can I contact if I have additional questions about the quality of my drinking water?

For additional information, please contact Chris Jones, CMWC Vice President and Chief of Operations and Maintenance ([email protected], (303) 274-7410).

35,000 LF Water Main Replacement Goal for 2024

CMWC crews are working towards the goal of replacing 35,000 LF of water main in 2024.  To date they are just shy of 28,000 LF replaced.

Crews replacing water main using unique method

CMWC crews replacing 2,000 LF of water main in State HWY using a unique method.  This project started at the being of September and will be completed by mid-October.