Water Storage / Source Water

Water Rights Efficiency

Augmentation Station

One of CMWC’s enduring objectives is to bolster and optimize raw water supply. In 2023, we achieved this goal by implementing and improving a specific tactic – improving a raw water augmentation station, which had previously constrained our ability to store more raw water, particularly in the spring and fall months.

The augmentation station enhancement project, a testament to CMWC’s commitment to efficiency and cost control, was a low-cost endeavor that yielded immediate savings for the company. This initiative has already delivered a staggering 3,000% return on investment in its inaugural year.

Our strategic decision to operate our water rights rather than leasing water from other sources is a testament to our forward-thinking approach. This improves our efficiency and gives us greater control over the costs of our source water. Ultimately, this creates long-term value for you.

Source Water

Monitoring Program

Providing quality water service economically is the pillar of our mission and commitment to you. This has been the case since 1926 and will remain our focus.

However, a lot has changed since our beginning in 1926. The urbanization of the areas where our source water travels and changes to watershed health are two considerations we had for developing a Source Water Monitoring Program.

The Source Water Monitoring Program is a vital part of our ongoing commitment to providing quality water service. By collecting data on the quality of our raw water, we can make informed decisions about operational changes, infrastructure improvements, and raw water management. While the program may not yield immediate changes, the data we gather will ensure that water quality and affordability, two key aspects of our service, remain at the forefront of our decision-making.

While striving to lower our costs and provide higher quality water sounds good, wait until you hear the best part! This program was awarded a grant of $100,000 in late 2023 from the Water Supply Reserve Fund Grant Program for its implementation.

Grant Funding for


2023 was a pivotal year for CMWC regarding how we look at funding improvements to our raw water system. Many of our long-term projects will require significant resources to develop and construct. Therefore, Consolidated has maintained a healthy strategic reserve to ensure we can accomplish these projects.

One initiative we shared last year was developing additional water storage at existing reservoir sites. Over the past year, we have performed the required studies and engineering to develop plans for expanding our Welton Reservoir. In December 2023, we formally applied for a matching grant through the Colorado Water Conservation Board to construct the Welton Expansion Project.

We are excited to inform our customers that CMWC was awarded nearly $1 Million as a 50% cost-matching grant for constructing this expansion in water storage. This award will help us create an additional 400 acre-feet of water storage at our largest reservoir site.

CMWC will continue identifying grant opportunities that support the company’s work and long-term planning. We remain committed to excellent stewardship of our water resources, our finances, and how we invest in the future.