When you sign up for paperless billing, you will receive an email notification each month letting you know your bill is available for you to view in your online account. Your email notification will be sent the same day that your monthly bill is generated. Your bill in your online account looks just like your printed, mailed bill.
Once you sign up for paperless billing, you will no longer receive a printed, mailed bill. You can go back to printed, mailed bills at any time.
Remember to add us to your contacts to ensure your email notifications do not fall into your spam folder!
You can still use any of our payment options to pay your bill including mailing a check, visiting our payment window, or calling 1-844-765-1218 but with your online account, you also have the easiest payment options: paying online and recurring autopay.
Click here to set up your online account. You will need your billing ID from a previous statement to create your account. Once you are logged in, select paperless billing. It’s that easy!
You can also setup recurring autopay after you set up your online account so you never have to worry about missing a payment.