Lena Gulch

Water Protection

Consolidated Mutual Water Company is aware of potential security risks at U.S. water utilities, and the possibility of future threats.  We have completed and submitted a Federal vulnerability assessment, increased security at all company facilities and enhanced our sampling schedules.  Consolidated Mutual’s highest priority is to maintain a high-quality water supply for our customers.

There are many possibilities for contamination, including unauthorized and illegal dumping, or a bad chemical spill (including auto accidents near or in Clear Creek) that might put toxins into some of our water sources.  Fortunately, we conduct tests every day to ensure our source water is clean and safe to treat and we know within minutes of potential contaminations.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) program has completed a source water assessment summary for all large Colorado public water supplies; the assessment included Consolidated Mutual Water.  This information is available on their web site or you may contact Jarod Roberts, Consolidated Mutual’s Vice President of Water Resources, at (303) 238-0451.

Our water treatment facility
Testing water