Beginning January 1, 2024, Consolidated Mutual will be taking responsibility for the current Lead and Copper Rule compliance for both our Maple Grove and Denver systems, in preparation for the transition to the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions in 2025.
You may have seen or read recent media reports about the concern of lead exposure in potable drinking water.
Consolidated Mutual Water Company is confident there is no lead in the potable water that we deliver to you!
If there is a chance of lead exposure in your home it would be primarily caused by lead-containing household plumbing (joints, fixtures, or service lines owned by you).
For the last several years Consolidated Mutual has been thoroughly investigating homes built before 1951. These homes would have a higher likelihood of Lead as a service line material.
After investigating over 1,200 homes built before 1951, through internal inspections, potholes, and historical records, we are happy to report no lead service lines have been found.
Previously, we were integrated with Denver Water and participated in Denver Water’s Lead Reduction program. However, since the adoption of the USEPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and the tight adherence deadlines associated with that regulation, Consolidated has decided to streamline its process and allocate resources more effectively.
You can find out more information regarding those regulations using the following links below:
Revised Lead and Copper Rule | US EPA
For questions please contact Steven Glenn, distribution foreman at 303-238-0451 ext. 455, or email at